Tips For Healthy Skin

Tips For Healthy Skin

  • Indian skin tends to tan and pigment easily and patchily. There is a very thin line between tanning and pigmentation. If your tan hasn’t gone in 4-6 weeks, see a dermatologist.
  •  It is advisable to use mild skin lightening creams as prevention. Look for botanical ingredients like Arbutin, Bearberry, Licorice, Mulberry, Ginseng, Gingko, Emblica, Turmeric – curcuma, Grapeseed and vitamins like C and A, and Niacinamide.
  • For older skin, look for the following ingredients: peptides, vitamin A and derivatives like retinol and other retinoids, Alpha, beta and polyhydroxy acids.
  •  Exfoliation should be done with extreme caution and only with modern bead exfoliators. Avoid granular scrubs as these tend to damage the skin microscopically, which can lead to slow, insidious and patchy darkening.

Health style Tips To Keep You Young

Health style Tips To Keep You Young

  • Be happy The physical damage caused to your body by stress has only recently become appreciated by the scientific community. Fill your life with things you love and get rid of almost everything else. Practice stress relieving activities like meditation and exercise, and learn to appreciate joy when you find it. Happiness does a body good.
  • Eat vegetables There is good evidence that oxidative damage caused by toxins and metabolism contributes to the aging process at a cellular level. Foods (but not supplements) high in antioxidants seem to protect us from oxidative stress.
  • Avoid sugar Sugar is a direct cause of aging and significantly reduces lifespan in organisms from yeast to primates. Not by a small amount either.
  • Moisturize The appearance of your skin is largely dependent upon moisture. Help it out by using moisturizers to keep your skin soft and hydrated. Work with a professional to determine what type is best for you.

Skin Lifting Does Not Get More Natural Than This

Skin Lifting

Skin Lifting

In the past, ‎fillers have been used to plump up wrinkles and lines. In recent years, innovative ways to enhance your ‎beauty using fillers have been introduced. Popularized by ‎bollywood‬ and ‎Hollywood‬ celebs who desired both lifted, contoured ‪faces sans scalpel as well as dewy, luminous ‎skins, the ‎Restylane‬® ‎Hydrolift‬ is specially designed to deliver these multiple benefits using natural hyaluronic acid.

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Dr. Pradeep Kumari & Dr. Nitin Jain

How Laser Treatment for Skin is Useful?

Laser treatment for skin is extremely useful as it helps to get rid of the scars or blemishes that affect you not only physically but mentally as well. Apart from scars, this treatment can also be used for the removal of excess hair.

Laser treatment for skin has been a revolution in recent times due to its new and highly effective ways of enhancing the complexion with minimum distress. Scars, brown spots, age spots, wrinkles and fine lines can be treated with the help of this treatment. Surplus hair growth, blood vessels and tattoos can also be treated with laser treatment. Sadly, many think this treatment to create magic, but remember that there are certain limitations to it, particularly, if you’ve a brown skin.

The complete form of Laser implies, Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It states that using a gas, solid or liquid medium (which supplies electrons), the light is amplified which results in the stimulation of the emission of radiation. The component of the skin known as a chromophore is then targeted by an intensified laser light. Chromophores could be hemoglobin (blood), melanin, water or even tattoo ink. The light is divided into different wavelengths and particular wavelengths target certain chromophores.

When the chromophore absorbs a specific wavelength, a reaction occurs which generates heat. In turn, the chromophere gets destroyed by the heat. As far as facial hair growth is concerned, the laser targets the melanin pigment in the hair, heats it and then destroys it. Laser treatments for scars include two procedures known as Deep FX and Active FX. These treatments can treat all scars, burns and chronic acne caused by surgery and accidents. Regular skin treatments such as dermabrasion, steroid and collagen injections, surgical procedures have been used till now but the results have not been that effective.

Both the above treatments are quite effective and also need less recovery time. The Active FX procedure works on the surface of the scar. A new skin is quickly generated with the help of a laser beam so that it evens out the scared skin and improves skin texture. On the other hand, Deep FX makes use of a laser beam to go deeper into the scar than the Active FX procedure for activating more collagen production. This leads to an improvement of the surface and smoothness of the skin, thus making the scar less visible.

Laser treatment for skin also includes the treatment for wrinkles which are the most obvious visible condition on the skin, particularly on the skin. Even the best skin specialist treats it as a serious problem for skin. Wrinkles are mostly seen on the face as a person grows old. Thus, to fight this, laser skin resurfacing is considered to be one of the best wrinkle treatments. It’s quite a popular laser treatment and helps in replacing the wrinkled skin with a new one. The results seen out of this procedure is quite dramatic.

You can opt for light, moderate or deep laser resurfacing. The procedure is perfect for treating facial wrinkles which also include frown lines and crows feet and loose skin surrounding the eyelids, neck and jowls. Laser hair removal treatment is also one of the best treatments for removing unwanted hair on the body. You can remove the hair permanently with minimum or no pain through this procedure. In this procedure, the laser energy which is passed through the skin is further absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle after which the follicles are quickly disabled.

Laser skin treatment is now been performed regularly as the people have found a quick solution to different unwanted skin conditions. However, it’s important that you have a word with a skin specialist prior to opting for the treatment as without it you might unnecessarily experience some side effects instead of remedy.

Tips For Clearing Up Your Skin

It’s not as difficult as you might think to enjoy youthful, healthy and glowing skin!

  • Hydrate your skin – drink at least 64 ounces of water a day, if not a little more.  Hydrating your body will in turn do the same for your skin and the toxins and chemicals you could be harboring in your body are flushed out naturally.  Your skin will respond by clearing up.
  • Avoid excess sugar – sugar is the enemy of all skin types, but especially sensitive skin!  Processed sugar and sweeteners are actually a deterrent to healthy skin, so avoid as much or all of it whenever possible.  Some people even find that they react to fruits with high sugar content – if this is true for you, opt for lower sugar fruits.
  • Allow your skin to breathe – leave off the creams, lotions, and acne medicines, which can actually clog pores and cause more issues rather than clear them up.  Once the breakout has subsided, you can go back to using your moisturizer as part of your daily regimen.
  • Facial exercise – toning your facial skin can be an excellent way to stay looking young, but it also has had a positive effect on clearing up skin too.
  • Avoid fatty foods – these foods slow down digestion and when our digestive system isn’t in optimal order, our skin pays the price.
  • Add vegetables to your diet!  This is really one of the greatest ways to nourish your body and nourish your skin.  Juice the veggies if you can’t seem to eat 5-7 servings a day in raw form.  Add some to a salad for good roughage – it helps keep the digestive system in good form.
  • Enjoy lean protein and whole grains every day.
  • Consider adding a probiotic supplement and a digestive enzyme supplement to your daily dietary regimen.  These are helpful for keeping all the body’s systems operating properly and will help the body eliminate toxins and chemicals from the body.  What does that mean for your skin?  Beautiful, healthy looking skin!
  • Exercise – try to get out and walk 3 times a week or engage in other fun exercise like swimming, bicycling, or hiking.  Cardio and strength training together strengthen the body and will reduce stress, which will in turn help clear up your skin because we all know stress is one reason our skin may be breaking out in the first place.
  • Meditation and relaxation- are some more techniques to incorporate into your daily or weekly routine because they relax the mind and the body and help you to reduce your stress level and focus on the things that are important in life.Reducing stress in every area of your life will make a difference in how your skin looks and in your overall appearance.

Take a good look at your schedule and how you are spending your time and make adjustments where it’s necessary.  You’ll love how your skin looks!